

Lines of Code Are in Popular Software

Software is everywhere, from the devices in our pockets to the cars we drive to the spaceships we launch. But how much code goes...

10 New Features of iPhone 15 that Improve iPhone Quality

The iPhone 15 is released in September 2023, and its new features are also launched. In this post you will get an idea about...

51 things that smartphones replaced

We cannot imagine a single day without a smartphone. Smartphones have become an integral part of our life, replacing various gadgets, products and tools...

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announces new Chromebook Plus category

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced a new Chromebook Plus category. These Chromebooks are more powerful and have AI-powered tools, a 1080p camera, and Adobe...

Google and HP Team Produce Affordable Chromebooks in India

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced that Google is partnering with HP to manufacture Chromebooks in India that will be affordable for students. The Chromebooks...

Google Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation: A Look Back at Its Journey under Alphabet Inc.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Google, the search engine giant that has become synonymous with internet browsing, is celebrating its 25th birthday today. Founded by...