Lines of Code Are in Popular Software

Software is everywhere, from the devices in our pockets to the cars we drive to the spaceships we launch. But how much code goes into creating all of this software?

The answer varies depending on the complexity of the software. For example, a simple app like WhatsApp might have only 30,000 lines of code, while a complex operating system like Windows XP might have 45 million lines of code.

List of some popular software programs lines of code:

Software/ProductLines of CodeWritten Format
MS-DOS4,000Four Thousand
WhatsApp30,000Thirty Thousand
Telegram50,000Fifty Thousand
Zoom60,000Sixty Thousand
TikTok80,000Eighty Thousand
Space Shuttle400,000Four Hundred Thousand
Minecraft500,000Five Hundred Thousand
Instagram1,000,000One Million
US Military Drone3,500,000Three Million Five Hundred Thousand
YouTube5,400,000Five Million Four Hundred Thousand
World of Warcraft5,500,000Five Million Five Hundred Thousand
Boeing 7876,500,000Six Million Five Hundred Thousand
Google Chrome6,700,000Six Million Seven Hundred Thousand
Chevy Volt10,000,000Ten Million
Twitter10,000,000Ten Million
Android12,000,000Twelve Million
iOS12,000,000Twelve Million
Mozilla Firefox21,000,000Twenty-One Million
Windows XP45,000,000Forty-Five Million
Large Hadron Collider50,000,000Fifty Million
Ubuntu50,000,000Fifty Million
Facebook62,000,000Sixty-Two Million
MacOS X84,000,000Eighty-Four Million
Tesla100,000,000One Hundred Million
Google2,000,000,000Two Billion

Read More : 51 things that smartphones replaced

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